Possible "Examples" Error(s)

My comments are in reference to:

XML Inclusions (XInclude) Version 1.0
W3C Candidate Recommendation 21 February 2002
Appendix C, Sub-Sections 1 to 4

It is my belief that these examples are not of proper syntax. A quote from 
section 3.2 (entitled "xi:fallback Element") reads:

"If the xi:fallback element is missing, a fatal error results."

In the examples of Appendix C noted above, the xi:fallback element has been 

I speculate that this may have been an oversight by the editors. I am not 
completely sure that I am correct, and I welcome any comments that may 
support or prove against my observation and commentary.

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Received on Monday, 8 July 2002 05:32:04 UTC