XInclude Implementation report for libxml2

 I reread the CR version of the XInclude draft at

I think that libxml2-2.4.28 implementation is complete
with only the following restrictions:
  - 4.3 Included Items when parse="text"
    the encoding detection, I don't have external encoding informations
    nor the media type of the resource (when fetched over HTTP) so I
    only check the encoding attribute and otherwise fallback to UTF-8
  - XPointer support
    libxml2 XPointer implementation is based on the CR draft of 7 June 2000
    so while the XPointer framework is supported including the xpointer
    scheme, the new XPointer element scheme is not (yet) supported. I may
    update my XPointer implementation when I'm sure there won't be
    any last minute change again
  - Unparsed Entities and Notations handling are minimalist, the included
    document usually don't keep any Unparsed Entities (needed for XPath
    support) and I do not provide back the Notations information item
    (refrigerator like compliance term)

I have got a reasonable amount of testing and I know that XInclude is
used for production work for DocBook documentation processing, especially:
  - splitting document in multiple pieces which can be validated
  - to incorporate textual file like examples of source code in the
I have got reports of the use of XPointer expressions to select a subset of
nodes for inclusion based on #xpointer(XPath-expression). People use either
"xmllint --xinclude" to generate the full document or "xsltproc --xinclude"
to run the XSLT transformation on the full document. In that last case an
interesting point was that document loaded with the document() function should
also get the XInclude process.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 07:35:50 UTC