[Bug 5276] targetNamespace defined on xs:element


------- Comment #4 from sandygao@ca.ibm.com  2008-02-08 16:08 -------
The current rule reads:

4.3.2 Let B be the {base type definition} of the Complex Type Definition
corresponding to <complexType>. B's �content model� contains, either directly,
indirectly (that is, within the {particles} of a contained model group,
recursively) or �implicitly contains� an Element Declaration whose {name} and
{target namespace} are the same as those of the Element Declaration
corresponding to this <element>.

WG's resolution as recorded in comment #1 can be implemented as:

4.3.2 There is no <extension> ancestor between the <element> and the nearest
<complexType> ancestor.

Henry's suggestion given in comment #2 can be implemented as:

4.3.2 There is a <restriction> ancestor between the <element> and the nearest
<complexType> ancestor, and the �actual value� of the base [attribute] of
<restriction> does not match the name of �xs:anyType�.

Another alternative (somewhere between the above 2):

4.3.2 There is a <restriction> ancestor between the <element> and the nearest
<complexType> ancestor.

Received on Friday, 8 February 2008 16:09:00 UTC