[Bug 1974] Our published names for datatypes etc. don't resolve


------- Comment #5 from ht@inf.ed.ac.uk  2006-10-16 13:22 -------
Sandy Gao reviewed version of 10 January
WG discussed this on 20 January 2006
(http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-xml-schema-ig/2006Jan/0098), gave the
following instructions to the editor:

 2 add the totally ordered duration types
 3 mark anyAtomicType as subject to ratification
 4 string.preserve should point to string.whiteSpace
 5 make the facets in use for 1.1 items point to the spec (rather than the
   XML source declarations)
 6 correct the links that currently don't resolve

Received on Monday, 16 October 2006 13:23:05 UTC