wish: Treating attributes and elements more equally


I am sure I am the ten thousandth person to send such a request but I am 
doing it anyways as it seems the invitation for public comment on the 
Schema home page only contains an email for these comments.

After having learned XML Schema a little bit (in particular the tutorial 
of Eric van der Vliest), I was expecting quite a lot, it seemed to be 
real powerful, at least as opposed to DTD.

But then I realized that one of the most elementary thing that I wanted 
to constain could not be constrained by Schema: I'd like a validation 
tool to allow either

<blop id="blip"><content>blablabla</content></blop>


<blop ref="blip"/> <!-- no content in here ! -->

And the answer is... this is not possible !
The reason sounds weird to me: <xsi:attribute> elements cannot be part 
of groups or alternatives.

Although there may be some implementation or other reason, I have to say 
that I see no reason it is not possible to do so.

Hoping this could be fixed for XML-Schema 1.1.



Received on Sunday, 6 April 2003 17:58:48 UTC