Value space of anyURI

A distinctive aspect of the definition of anyURI is that the format of
clearly defining both the lexical and value spaces is not followed. As a
result, it is unclear what either is.

The [XLink] Locator Attribute text is the key definition, and this talks
about an escaping "procedure [which] is applied when passing the URI
reference to a URI resolver."

Since the lexical-to-value mapping does not involve resolving the URI, I
take the value space to be a set of strings to which this procedure could be
applied (but is not).

This is consistent with the following phrase: "For anyURI, length is
measured in units of characters (as for string)." found in the discussion on
length, which is applied to values in the value spaces.

The lexical and value spaces effectively are identified, and the
lexical-to-value mapping is the identity function.


I suggest clarifying text should be added.

Jeremy Carroll

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2002 10:02:21 UTC