The lexical space of normalizedString

The lexical-to-value mapping of string is the identity function.
normalizedString is derived from string. Therefore the lexical-to-value
mapping of normalizedString is also the identity function.

However, in the defintion, the value space does not contain strings with the
line feed character #xA, whereas the lexical space does.

This suggest the question, "For the one character string '#xA' in the
lexical space of normalizedString, what is the corresponding value?"

Given the reading of whiteSpace as a constraining facet (see previous
message), and noting that for normalizedString, that the whiteSpace facet
has value replace, then this seems like an error. We read the lexical space
of normalizedString to exclude #xA. This is similar to erratum 2-17.

Jeremy Carroll

Received on Tuesday, 26 November 2002 10:02:22 UTC