meaning of ##other

I believe there is contradictory definition of the meaning of ## other in
the Rec Draft of XML Schema. One section indicates that any
attribute/element from any namespace other than the target namespace is
valid, including absent namespace. Another section specifies that a valid
attribute/element must be namespace qualified. So is absent namespace valid
or not?

Please see:

(1) Part 1, Section 3.10.1, "The Wildcard Schema Component." See number 2
under the section headed: "{namespace constraint] provides for..." [1]

2. (not and a namespace name) have any namespace other than the specified
namespace name, or are not namespace qualified;


(2) Part 1, Section 3.10.4 "Wildcard Validation Rules." See number 2.3 under
"Validation Rule: Wildcard allows Namespace Name'"[2].

2.3 The value must not be absent.


Thank you for addressing my concern,

Amy Moulton
Quality Assurance Engineer
webMethods, Inc.

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2001 13:16:03 UTC