RE: 2001 PR double and floats.

Please see comments embedded in your text below.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Crowley [] 
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 9:41 AM
Subject: 2001 PR double and floats.

Hello --

I have some questions and comments about the 2001 PR XML Schema.

1)  The float and double types do not derive from any base type. I
believe they should derive from a common base type which allows
unlimited precision as long, int, short derive from decimal.
AM>> We tried to do this but were unable to come up with a coherent
derivation strategy.

2) It is also unclear if doubles and floats values are allowed to start
with an optional "+", plus it also only inderectly states that it is
valid to start with an optional "-".
AM>> Yes, they can start with + or -

3) Is +INF a valid lexical representation for double and floats?
AM>>No, you need to say INF


David Crowley

Received on Friday, 13 April 2001 14:46:44 UTC