Relative URI References in wildcards


     Part I section 3.10.2 XML Representation of Wildcard Schema Components
allows absolute and relative URI references as valid values of the
"namespace" attribute of a wildcard. However, the spec does not say what
should be the context of such relative URIs. But I guess it could be the
targetNamespace of the schema where the wildcard appears. If my guess is
right , what should be the behavior of a schema processor if the schema
does not specify any target namespace? If a wildcard  which uses a relative
URI is defined in an imported schema, should it be interpreted using the
target namespace of the imported schema or of the importing schema?

     I think relative URIs in wildcard should be prohibited or the spec
should clearly specify how they must be interpreted by conforming

     Achille Fokoue.

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 05:49:47 UTC