minor typos in CR-xmlschema-2-20001024

These are just minor suggestions for your XML Schema Datatypes [1]
Candidate Recommendation, to use as you see fit. (It may be premature
to point out typos.)

Each table could have cellpadding="5". (Most already do.)

In my browsers, anchors in the XML representation summary
tables are sans-serif, rather than monospace like surrounding
words. Adding this rule to your style sheet might help:

     p.element-syntax a { font-family: monospace }

Also, the W3C style sheet musn't be overridden. Yours must
cascade first. The pre rule could be !important.

I didn't list corrections for editors' notes or Appendix H.
 From here on, a section number is followed by a quote and
then a suggestion.

Status of this document
Group considers

1.2 list item 1
SQL & Java
SQL and Java

data types
datatypes [only because every other occurrence is one word]

Since some terms like "must" are defined here, it might be nice
to say you differ from RFC 2119, and link to it in References. replace and note
line feed
[see http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U0000.pdf] par. 2
consisting the two
consisting of the two par. 2
white space [twice] example is too wide. Maybe break here:
<attribute name="minOccurs"
   type="nonNegativeInteger" use="default" value="1"/>

3.2.3 par. 2
approximation of d[Clinger, WD (1990)][Gay, DM (1990)]
approximation of d ([Clinger, WD (1990)][Gay, DM (1990)])

3.2.9 note
URI References
URI references [to follow RFC 2396; the cap may be okay in the definition]

3.3 par. 1
XML Representation
XML representation

Appendix Schema for
Appendix A, Schema for

3.3.1 par. 1
carriage-return (#xD), line-feed
carriage return (#xD), line feed

newline (#xD)
carriage return (#xD) [I think]

3.3.2 par. 1
line feed [twice]

3.3.4 par. 1
white space

3.3.10 par. 1
NOTATION is par. 1
the the

4.1 pars. 8 and 9
[Is "and" missing from the last phrase in each sentence?]
     If {variety} is atomic then bounded is true and
     cardinality is finite if one of minInclusive or
     minExclusive and one of maxInclusive or maxExclusive are
     among {facets}, otherwise bounded is false and
     cardinality is countably infinite, numeric and ordered
     are inherited from {base type definition}.

     If {variety} is list then bounded is true and cardinality
     is finite if length or both of minLength and maxLength
     are among {facets}, otherwise bounded is false and
     cardinality is countably infinite, numeric and ordered
     are false.

4.1 par. 10
[It is somewhat difficult to tell that "otherwise" refers to
the preceding phrase. Would semicolons help, like this?]
     If {variety} is union: bounded is true if every
     member of {memberType definitions} is bounded and all
     members of {memberType definitions} share a common
     ancestor and is false otherwise; cardinality is finite if
     the cardinality of every member of {memberType
     definitions} is finite and is countably infinite
     otherwise; ordered is true if every member of {memberType
     definitions} is ordered and all members of {memberType
     definitions} share a common ancestor and is false otherwise;
     numeric are true if every member
[Is the "and" missing, and is this "and numeric is true if every member"
(or perhaps "and numeric and ordered are true if every member")?]
     of {memberType definitions} is numeric and is false

4.2.8 first list item
exclusiveupper bound
exclusive upper bound

4.2.9 first list item
exclusivelower bound
exclusive lower bound

4.2.10 first list item
inclusivelower bound
inclusive lower bound

5. par. 1
their [ namespace URI]
their [namespace URI]

5.1.3 example
     An example, taken from a typical display oriented text
     markup language, might want to
[I wonder if this means:]
     For an example taken from a typical display oriented text
     markup language, one might want to

5.2.5 par. 1
a enumeration element
an enumeration element

6. note

In A., could long lines be broken to minimize horizontal scrolling? 
For example:
<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema"
   version="Id: datatypes.xsd,v 1.30 2000/10/24 08:04:50 ht Exp "

A. second annotation
built-in [twice]

A. encoding
base64 [and rather than "the MIME RFC" you could say it's RFC 2045]

D.2. par. 1
     The time datatype uses a truncated format for
     timeInstant. By truncating the date information we
     represent an instant of time that recurs every day.
[Apparently first person pronouns can be hard to translate (see
Maybe this could read:]
     The time datatype uses a truncated format for
     timeInstant which represents an instant of time
     that recurs every day.

E. par. 1
A regular expressionR
A regular expression R

set of stringsL(R)
set of strings L(R)

a regular expressionR
a regular expression R

E.1. par. 1
an atomR
an atom R

set of charactersC(R)
set of characters C(R)

E.1.1 par. 8

F.1 RFC 2045
1996 Available at:
1996. Available at:

F.2 XPointer
[Now a CR. Rather than the WD, you could link to http://www.w3.org/TR/xptr]

Hewlett Packard
Hewlett-Packard [twice]


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-xmlschema-2-20001024/

Best wishes for your project,

Susan Lesch - mailto:lesch@w3.org  tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - http://www.w3.org/

Received on Thursday, 28 December 2000 19:56:33 UTC