file size in XML Schema CR

Netscape can handle these files [1,2,3], but MSIE Mac 5 cannot
render them, even with a 24MB partition (screen shots on request)
and takes about 30 seconds to load a single page. I wondered if
you have discussed, or would look at ways to reduce file size.


- Use HTML Tidy with indentation off, saving 60k.

Part 1

- Put appendixes on other pages, saving 104k.
- Use HTML Tidy, saving 18k.
- Use local anchors sparingly, saving up to 50k. (There are
   approximately 2893 local anchors in Part 1.)
- 'blockquote' to indent tables and notes can be deleted, saving 4k.
   See also Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, checkpoint 3.7 at .
   Use CSS instead.
- thead and tbody tags are optional and can be left out, saving 3k.

Part 2

- Put appendixes on other pages, saving 125k.
- Use local anchors sparingly, saving up to 50k. For example, the
   eight paragraphs following the schema component table in 4.1 are
   374 words with 83 links. Are they all needed?
- Minimize anchors and duplicate entries in the big table in 4.1,
   saving up to 14k.
- thead and tbody tags are optional and can be left out, saving 3k.
- rowspan="1" colspan="1" can be cut for td's in Appendix E, saving 3k.

         before  after
Primer    295   235
Part 1    616   437
Part 2    444   249
estimate 1355   921, saving 434k, or 205k counting appendixes


Susan Lesch -  tel:+1.858.483.4819
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) -

Received on Thursday, 28 December 2000 19:56:28 UTC