Re: Hierachy constraining facets

This is an interesting idea but it comes late in the day.
I suggest we take this as a requirement for version 2.

All the best, Ashok on 11/20/2000 10:57:55 AM

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Subject:  Hierachy constraining facets

Dear colleagues,

I would like to propose an additional constraining facet for list types.
Consider for example that you want to use a list of string values for
storing the full path of a file or the name of a Java package, e. g. you
define the following type in a XML schema

<simpleType name="package">
     <list itemType="string">

and use it as follows in an XML document:

<aPackage type="package">org jdom input<aPackage/>

as a representation for org.jdom.input.

It is useful to restrict the values of "package" to the existing packages.
E. g. you can do that by using the enumeration constraining facet:

<simpleType name="packages">
               <list itemType="string">
          <enumeration value="org"/>
          <enumeration value="org jdom"/>
          <enumeration value="org jdom adapters/">
          <enumeration value="org jdom input/">
          <enumeration value="org jdom output/">
          <enumeration value="org log4j"/>
          <enumeration value="org log4j examples/">
          <enumeration value="org log4j helpers/">

The possible values are hierarchically built as in many other examples. It
would be nice if you could constrain the values of a list to such a
hierarchically structure, i. e. to the paths of a tree. Due to this
motivation I propose an additional constraining facet called hierarchy.
Let's take a look at an example using this new facet:

<simpleType name="packages">
               <list itemType="string">
          <hierarchy value="org">
               <hierarchy value="jdom">
                    <hierarchy value="adapters"/>
                    <hierarchy value="input"/>
                    <hierarchy value="output"/>
               <hierarchy value="log4j">
                    <hierarchy value="examples"/>
                    <hierarchy value="helpers"/>

Instead of the enumeration facet the hierarchy facet is used here. A
hierarchy facet has a value attribute like the enumeration facet. In
addition, a hierarchy element can contain a number of hierarchy elements as
children. The top level hierarchy element constrains the first element of
the list. The i-th element of the list is constrained by the hierarchy
elements on i+1-st level depending on the first i elements in the list.

The hierarchy facet has the advantage that lists can be constrained more
specific to a special group of values. All repetitions of common prefixes
can be avoided. Implementations can store elements of such lists more

I tried to embed the hierarchy facet into the XML scheme part 2 in order to
give a clear cut definition.

I'm looking forward to your comments,

Philipp Niederau
Heyde AG, Bad Nauheim, Germany



4.2.16 (new)

hierarchy provides for
* Constraining a value space of a list to a specified set of values

Schema Component: hierarchy

     A tree called hierarchy where each node contains a value from the
space of the base type definition
     Optional. An annotation.

Validation Rule: hierarchy valid

A value in a value space if facet-valid with respect on hierarchy if:

1. the value is a path (from the root to any desired leaf or inner node) of
the hierarchy {value}

A hierarchy is a root node. A node consists of a value combined with i
successor nodes (i>=0).

A path of a hierarchy is a list with n elements (n>0) where the first
element is the value of the root node of the hierarchy and the i+1th
is the value of a successor node of the i-th element in the hierarchy for
all 1<=i<n.

5.1.2 (additional)

When a datatype is derived from a list datatype, also the hierarchy
constraining facet can be used.

5.2.16 (new)

The XML representation for a hierarchy schema component is a hierarchy
element information item. The correspondences between the properties of the
information item and properties the component are as follows:

XML Representation Summary: hierarchy Element Information Item

     id = ID
     value = string
     {any attributes with non-schema namespace...} >
Content: (annotation?) (hierarchy*)

hierarchy Schema Component

{value}   A hierarchy which is the root node build up from the hierarchy
element item appearing as a child of the simple type. The hierarchy element
builds a node where the value of the node is the value of the value item
the successor nodes are the hierarchies build up from the hierarchy
appearing as children of the hierarchy item.

{annotation}   The annotation corresponding to the annotation element
information item in the children, if present, otherwise null

Example 1): Hierarchy

<simpleType name="stringList">
     <list itemType="string">

<simpleType name="package">
     <restriction base="stringList">
          <hierarchy value="org">
               <hierarchy value="jdom">
                    <hierarchy value="adapters/">
                    <hierarchy value="input"/>
                    <hierarchy value="output/">
               <hierarchy value="log4j">
                    <hierarchy value="examples/">
                    <hierarchy value="helpers"/>

<aPackage type="package">org jdom input<aPackage/>

Example 2):

If you want to allow further values at top level you can use
a hierarchy element with an empty string value:

<simpleType name="packages">
               <list itemType="string">
          <hierarchy value="">
          <hierarchy value="org">
                    <hierarchy value="jdom">
                         <hierarchy value="adapters"/>
                         <hierarchy value="input"/>
                         <hierarchy value="output"/>
               <hierarchy value="log4j">
                    <hierarchy value="examples"/>
                    <hierarchy value="helpers"/>
          <hierarchy value="com">
               <hierarchy value="sun"></hierarchy>

It is an open question if it is a good idea to allow empty strings as
for inner nodes. It should also be discussed if multiple hierarchy elements
with same values should be allowed as successor nodes for one hierarchy
element. Both possibilities would lead to ambiguous paths, i. e. two
different paths through the hierarchy can have the same lexical

Philipp Niederau
Stefan Wachter
Heyde AG, Bad Nauheim, Germany

Received on Monday, 4 December 2000 09:01:03 UTC