Re: LC-91: character-entities: Support declaration of character entities?

Thank you for your message. Since my comment was as chair of the HTML WG,
and not personal, I have also forwarded it to that group.

Your message was well timed, since it arrived as we were at a face-to-face
allowing us to discuss it immediately.

The HTML working group has instructed me to forward their dissent from your
WG's decision, and to ask you to send the issue for review by the director.

The group is unhappy with the idea that a user agent would have to be able
to process schemas as well as DTD fragments, when an aim of schemas was to
replace DTDs.

While I am addressing one of your last-call issues, please allow me to point
out that the extensive comments provided by Murray Altheim and Ann Navarro,
principally with respect to realising modularisation facilities in schemas,
were also part of the HTML WG review of schemas, and we would be pleased as
a group to be kept in the loop regarding developments/responses.

Many thanks,

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton
Chair, W3C HTML WG

----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Mullen" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2000 11:14 PM
Subject: LC-91: character-entities: Support declaration of character

Dear Mr. Pemberton:

The W3C XML Schema Working Group has spent the last several months working
through the comments received from the public on the last-call draft of the
XML Schema specification. We thank you for the comments you made on our
specification during our last-call comment period, and want to make sure you
know that all comments received during the last-call comment period have
been recorded in our last-call issues list

You raised the point registered as issue LC-91, which suggests that XML
Schema be modified to include a facility to define at least character
entities (such as é).

This issue was discussed in our conference call of 2000-06-08.

The current work-arounds include:
 * specify entities in an entity-only DTD
 * use markup such as <eacute/> instead of &eacute;

It was agreed by majority vote to instruct the chairs to take this issue to
the XML CG for consideration as a possible candidate requirement for XML

It would be helpful to us to know whether you are satisfied with the
decision taken by the WG on this issue, or wish your dissent from the WG's
decision to be recorded for consideration by the Director of the W3C.

Don Mullen
XML Schema Language Working Group

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2000 00:37:02 UTC