Re: Note on DTD-related questions

I am sorry for typing Murray's address in the subject field.
Let me try again.

Dan writes:
> > > [... no comment on the good question about requirements just now...]
> > 
> > In my understanding, you are updating the requirement document.
> Right... I better get on to that...
> > It would be very nice if (1) the updated requirement document states
> > this issue, (2) the HTML WG agrees on your description of the issue,
> > and (3) your example (and "the union") is published as a solution.
> I'll see what I can do...

Here are some examples in XHTML Modularization.  

1) Adding attributes

The module "struct" of XHTML modularization defines an element type
"body".  The module "events" add two attributes, namely onload and
onunload, to this element type.

2) Updating content models

An element type "head" is defined in the module "struct".  The content
model of "head" is changed by the module "base" so as to allow the
element type "base".

3) Changing enumerated attribute values

The attribute "type" of the element type "object" is defind by the
module "object" as an enumeration.  Other modules should be able to
introduce more permissible values.


Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2000 02:16:00 UTC