Core WG comments on XML Schema wrt Infoset

The Core WG has reviewed the XML Schema Last Call public working 
draft of XML Schema 1.0 (dated 7 April 2000) with respect to
the Infoset working draft. We appreciate the effort made to define 
validation in infoset terms and to cleanly layer schema infoset 
contributions onto the existing Infoset specification.

At this time we do not see any major issues. We encourage the
Schema WG to review the infoset-related passages in the Schema
spec as the Infoset spec moves from Last Call to CR to PR, as 
changes may be made in the spec.

Also, some members of the Core WG feel there may need to be
additional schema information exposed in the Infoset, for
example, to provide all the annotations associated with
an element via its declaration and type hierarchy. 

Another example of something that should be exposed via the XML Schema
Information Set is an indicator of whether an element name is locally 
scoped. Without this information, XPath/XSLT processors and other 
software is not able to tell the difference between locally scoped names 
and global names (if they have the same local part and namespace) without 
looking at the schema.

More detailed comments on these topics may be submitted to the 
Schema WG during the CR period.

Respectfully submitted for the Core WG
by Paula Angerstein

Received on Thursday, 18 May 2000 17:10:22 UTC