3.2 / 4.3.1: {value contraint} in top-level attribute declaration s

In 3.2, the {value constraint} property of Attribute Declaration components
seems to allow a (value, absent) pair. This is supported by the property
correspondences for "attribute" element information items (4.3.1) directly
under "schema" where {value constraint}'s representation is:

	If there is a value attribute, then a pair consisting of the lexical
value of that attribute and absent, otherwise absent

What is the meaning of a {value contraint} that is a (value, absent) pair?

In this particular case, it seems the value of the "use" attribute is
ignored, but doesn't it default to "optional"?

James Tauber
Director XML Technology
Bowstreet www.bowstreet.com

Received on Friday, 28 April 2000 15:55:14 UTC