4.3.7: can ##local stand alone in namespace attribute or must it be in a list?

In 4.3.7, in the representation summary for the "any" element information
item, it indicates that the attribute "namespace" takes either:

	- ##any
	- ##other
	- ##local
	- list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}

However, in the "otherwise" section of the correspondences to the Wildcard
Schema Component, it refers to ##local as being a substring in the list (and
this is infact the only mention of ##local)

Should the representation summary really read:

namespace = ##any | ##other | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace, ##other}


James Tauber
Director XML Technology
Bowstreet www.bowstreet.com

Received on Friday, 28 April 2000 09:19:05 UTC