Re: XML Schema Last Call working drafts released

A fairly minor nitpick, but we're going for editorial quality here with the
"many eyes" approach. :-)

I think the example for:

xmlschema-0/Section 5. Advanced Concepts III: The Quarterly Report

has a small typo in either 4Q99.xml or report.xsd because the XML uses
  <zip code="95819">

while the schema says it should be
  <zipcode code="...">

I think the schema is the one that has the typo.

Only reason I saw this was because I was wrestling with the concept of keys
and keyrefs in that example.

I think xmlschema-0 is excellent in getting the point of XML schema across
without innundating someone with all the details... yet. ;-)  I'm looking
forward to XML Schema 1.0...


Received on Monday, 10 April 2000 16:06:48 UTC