Re: No Standard way to reference XML Schema? Was Re: (Many) XML Schema Questions

At 01:26 PM 12/30/99 +0000, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>A moment's thought about experience with XML's instance->DTD linkage
>will perhaps suggest some benefits of this approach:  as it stands, if 
>I wish to validate an XML instance which references no external DTD, I 
>have to edit it to incorporate a suitable DOCTYPE declaration.  Even
>if the document has a DOCTYPE, if the URL it references is unavailable 
>or out-of-date, I again must have recourse to a text editor to fix
>this.  We've tried to do better for XML Schema.  Another experience
>we've tried to learn from is the instance->stylesheet one, with
>similar lessons we believe.

As glad as I am to see the Schema folks wrestling with these issues, it
seems like they belong someplace else - with the instance->stylesheet
problem, perhaps.

Has anything ever come of the 'plans for a Working Group on XML Packaging'
mentioned in the XML Activity Statement
(, or is this just too dull for
people/companies to get excited about?

These issues are pretty much at the core of XML processing, and not just
schema processing...

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Thursday, 30 December 1999 09:47:46 UTC