- From: Massimo Marchiori <massimo@w3.org>
- Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 07:16:14 -0500
- To: Michael.Kay@softwareag.com, davidc@nag.co.uk
- CC: www-xml-query-comments@w3.org, mf@w3.org
<michael_key> David Carlisle: "the xml-query-comment archives show it is almost all spam and no discussion occurs on that list at all (who'd want to subscribe to that much extra junk) The _only_ time any discussion happens is if the messages are cross posted to a more sensible list (xml-dev or xsl-list)." "It was very noticeable with the earlier functions and operators draft last year that messages sent to the comment address produced no response at all, only when later the message was re-sent (rather than cross posted) to this list did (quite helpful) feedback come from the document editors." Jeni Tennison: "I think we should move the discussion to xsl-editors@w3.org or www-xpath-comments@w3.org instead, since these are both open to subscribers. As well as getting the comments archived, and hopefully actually read by more of the members of the WG, it would save all the poor people on this list from having the discussion cluttering their mailbox." "I'm sure we can discuss the F&O and data model drafts on www-xpath-comments@w3.org and cross-post to www-xml-query-comments@w3.org, at least until Max tells us off for that ;)" Could I suggest that the xml-query-comments list is managed the same way as xsl-editors and xpath-comments: * Allow people to subscribe * Postings from non-subscribers are moderated to remove spam * All contributions receive an immediate acknowledgement * WG members take the initiative to produce unofficial-but-timely responses to the technical points made, e.g. informing contributors whether the idea has previously been discussed by the WG and what the difficulties are likely to be. Generally I try to avoid getting into debate on these lists,but I do try to give feedback, telling people whether they've spotted a hole in the spec, whether they're pushing an option that we've already rejected, or whether they're asking for a feature that's beyond the agreed requirements. </michael_key> David, Mike et al, the spam problem in www-xml-query-comments has been discussed a lot (and, already from the very beginning of spam cluttering), and if so far nothing happened this is just due to technical limitations to modify the current status quo. Anyway, the above discussions show imprecise knowledge of the current status of W3C's mailing list, so let me recap and quote from http://www.w3.org/Mail/Lists.html (alternatively, same info in http://www.w3.org/XML/Query ): www-xml-query-comments: <quote> This is the publicly-archived mailing list for reporting comments and errors about the XML-Query specifications. It is NOT a discussion forum (use www-ql instead), and so while you can look at archives of this mailing list, you can not subscribe to this mailing list. </quote> www-ql: <quote> The public list for discussion on Query Languages, including (but not limited to) discussion on the XML-Query project. This list is spam-protected, which means that before posting to it, you must subscribe to it. Everybody can subscribe. </quote> Therefore, no discussion should happen on www-xml-query-comments, and the "spam-free" list for discussion has always been there: www-ql. Incidentally, let me remark the anomaly of www-xpath-comments here (and why the problem isn't this easy to solve): "comments" lists should NOT be subscribe-only, because historically this was not felt to be a good solution: if you want to send a comment/typo etc on a spec, you just send email to the feedback list; you shouldn't *force* the user to subscribe to anything (besides, there's no discussion that is supposed to go on there...). The comments lists are meant to be a single-to-wg way to communicate on specific problems in the spec, but by any means not a discussion forum. The fact www-xpath-comments@w3.org is subscribe-only is to my eyes a violation of this principle if this is used as a spec-comment list, even more if in http://www.w3.org/Mail/Lists.html it is listed under "Discussion and WG Mailing Lists" and not under "Mailing lists for comments and error reports on specifications". Note, www-xpath-comments is the only "*-comments" list that's actually in this condition (...). Said this, the planned "fast track" solution we are investigating is to have a moderator that manually does the junk-filter, this way accomplishing the two goals of a) keeping the list open-post to everybody, and b) avoiding spam En passant, note this also partly clarifies the "joint comments list" problem: it is no big deal to have a separate comments list for each spec you have. Then, people can move their discussions to the appropriate subscribe-only fora (and cross-post in those hybrid cases... ;) Feel free to forward these clarifications to any channel/mailing list you might find appropriate, thanks. -Massimo ps Regarding the "immediate acknowledgement", the proposal was raised but then rejected because felt as not very useful after all. On the other hand, the "WG members take the initiative to produce unofficial-but-timely responses to the technical points made" has been proposed and should in fact be an endorsed remedy :)
Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2002 07:16:16 UTC