Re: search in hierarchy and in free text

Paul Cotton, DB2 Language Architecture & Standards
IBM Canada Ltd, 17 Eleanor Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2E 6A3
Phone: (613) 225-5445   Fax:  (613) 226-6913

---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Cotton/Toronto/IBM on 04/17/2000
11:59 AM ---------------------------

"Palstar" <> on 04/15/2000 06:37:26 AM

Please respond to "Palstar" <>

To:   Paul Cotton/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Subject:  Re: query paper

Thank you for the reply.

One of the goals of sending my paper was to add some ideas about the
of search in hierarchy and in free text, which have proven to be successful
I notice that some people are feeling insecure about "XML Query
because there is no explicit mentioning of operations on free text. Neither
the references. Maybe you can be more explicit in that respect in the next
version of "XML Query Requirements".

Best regards,

Gert van der Steen

Prof. dr ir Gert J. van der Steen, Palstar bv,
Winkelsteeg 5a, 7975 PV  Uffelte, The Netherlands.
Tel. +31-521351077, Fax. +31-521351078.
Mobile +31-654774547.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: Palstar <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: query paper

> Gert van der Steen
> At this week's XML Query WG F2F meeting, the WG asked me to thank you for
> your submission of "A canonical query language and its efficient
> implementation".
> The WG noted that there are many candidates for an XML query language and
> that they will review yours when the WG reaches this stage in its work.
> /paulc
> Paul Cotton, DB2 Language Architecture & Standards
> IBM Canada Ltd, 17 Eleanor Drive, Nepean, Ontario K2E 6A3
> Phone: (613) 225-5445   Fax:  (613) 226-6913
> email:

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2000 18:43:50 UTC