Re: Comments on new XML Base draft

Thanks for your comments.  We'll look at your comments in the Core WG,
but I just wanted to address the first one:

> 1. The rules on returning xml:base unescaped seem to have changed too
> radically for an erratum: this needs the spec to be versioned.

The rules have not *changed* - there were no rules on returning the
base URI in the original version.  The original just specified what
the base URI used for resolving references should be, not how it
should be returned to an application.  It's only because more recent
specs have started providing such interfaces (and because the Infoset
included it as a property) that the issue has arisen.  As far as
retrieving documents goes, the URI must be %-escaped eventually, but
it makes no difference when it happens.

Several other specs specify that %-escaping should be done as late as
possible, and the Infoset specifies that the [base URI] property does
not have any escaping done on it.

-- Richard

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2006 15:49:04 UTC