Re: State of XPointer Bare Names Problem???


On Apr. 24, you asked about the state of bare name addressing
in XPointer.  Sorry this reply has taken so long.

The XML Linking WG has just released a new version of the XPointer
specification. It factors the original XPointer document into
separate documents for:
  schemes framework
  xmlns scheme
  basic element addressing scheme
  full xpointer scheme

All the drafts are last-call WDs, except for the xpointer()
scheme, which is a simple WD.

The Working Group is acutely aware of the issue of
bare-name addressing not working on XML documents which
don't have a DTD or Schema. We are also aware of the problems
associated with each of the various proposals that have been
made to work around it. The problems are such that we want
to ask the broader XML community for their feedback. So, the
new drafts still retain the ID limitation. One of the
WG members was charged with sending a message to xml-dev to
start that conversation. Please feel free to pursue it further

Best regards,
Ron Daniel Jr.

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 10:49:01 UTC