Re: XPointer: definition of equal points


On Apr. 13 you asked about the definition of equal points in the
XPointer draft. Very sorry for the tardiness of this reply.

The XML Linking WG has just released a new version of the XPointer
specification. It factors the original XPointer document into
separate documents for:
  schemes framework
  xmlns scheme
  basic element addressing scheme
  full xpointer scheme

All the drafts are last-call WDs, except for the xpointer()
scheme. It is a working draft, and the issue of equality of
points is the main technical issue we will be addressing before
advancing it to last call.

I can't guarantee what solution we will come up with, but the
current leading candidate is the 'recursive definition' given in
Michael Dyck's comments on the XPointer spec:

If you have the time and inclination, we would be interested
in your opinion of that approach.

Thanks for your careful examination of the CR draft, I hope
you will be able to review the new documents as carefully.

Best regards,
Ron Daniel Jr.
acting chair, XML Linking WG

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 10:44:03 UTC