- From: Jesús Quiroga <jquiroga@pobox.com>
- Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 01:52:57 +0200
- To: www-xml-linking-comments@w3.org
Please consider this paragraph in REC-xlink-20010627, '5.1.3 Traversal Rules for an Extended Link (arc-Type Element)': 'When more than one locator has the same label, the set of locators with the same label are to be understood as individual locators, rather than as referring to an aggregate resource; the traversal behavior of such a link might be the same as for a link where all the locators have different roles and the appropriate arcs are specified to produce the identical traversal pairs.' I believe it really means this (with all the locators having different 'labels' instead of 'roles'): 'When more than one locator has the same label, the set of locators with the same label are to be understood as individual locators, rather than as referring to an aggregate resource; the traversal behavior of such a link might be the same as for a link where all the locators have different labels and the appropriate arcs are specified to produce the identical traversal pairs.' If the Recommendation isn't in error, I must confess I don't understand the first paragraph.
Received on Sunday, 1 July 2001 19:55:47 UTC