XLink specified in XML Schema

	The XLink spec currently defines the attributes of the Xlink
namespace using DTDs. There are a few aspects of the new XML Schema
specification which may be helpful to XLink applications. Defining XLink in
terms of XML Schema will allow a certain level of validation of the XLink
information by the general process of schema validation. This could include
namespace correctness, datatyping and enumeration values and defaults, and
uniqueness constraints.
	XLink currently uses the xlink:type attribute to distinguish various
kinds of elements. This function could be handled in XML Schema by abstract
element definitions and the use of element substitution groups. 

	My request is that the XLink specification include a normative XML
Schema as part of the spec.

David vun Kannon
Specification WG Co-chair, XBRL
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Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2001 11:25:02 UTC