Re: XPointer subset minority opinion

On Sat, May 05, 2001 at 12:15:54PM -0400, Simon St.Laurent wrote:
> Most of those discussions took place a long time ago, and I don't even know 
> if the WG has had much continuous membership since then, but the XLink WG 
> doesn't have an especially sterling record, at least from this observer's 
> perspective.

  The observers have the access to all the logs of the issues since 99

> (Yes, I have noticed the much-improved public reply to comments.)
> I'd like the opportunity to make up my own mind, without expectation that 
> the WG's learned majority can do my thinking for me.

  I assume FIXptr will have to be made public by its authors to
satisfy you, if they want to do so. It's not the WG decision of what
they are gonna do with it. 
  I did ask Eve to send their minority opinion to the public list
in order to be more open process wise, knowing that the documement
being discussed was not (yet?) available publicly. Sometime you can't
provide everything, I believed that having a fraction available was
better than nothing, maybe I was wrong, I take responsability for this.


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit | Rpmfind RPM search engine

Received on Saturday, 5 May 2001 12:58:40 UTC