Re: Re: Introductory comments: XLink CR03062000

Hello Eve,

it did help - I'll try to clarify one thing:

> >In section 2.3 inline, outline and third-party links are defined as links
> >with only one arc. Links with more than one arc (let's call them complex
> >links here) aren't given a name. This doesn't make sense to me as I
> >thought one of the great things about XLink was exactly that you
> >wouldn't have to live with a single arc per link. Even a two-way link
> >has two arcs and doesn't have a designated name (like 'complex link')
> > according to the standard.
> >I would argue that _most_ XLinks will use more than one arc and therefore
> >most XLinks are not taken care of by this definition.
> The reason no distinction has been made between links with one arc and
> links with several is (as far as I can tell) that the processing would be
> identical -- merely repeated for each arc.  Am I missing some consequence
> in the processing of links when you have multiple arcs?

I merely thought that it would be nice to call the bunch of links by a
name - you have inbound, outbound and third-party (weren't they called
out-of-line before?) links. And you have, mmmh, well, mmmh..

That was my whole point here, I would like to have a name to say "Extended
XLinks with at least two different arcs (regarding the inbound, outbound
and third-party attribute).


  Hartmut Obendorf          
  Graduate Student              
  Distributed Systems Group
  Universitay of Hamburg

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2000 17:51:26 UTC