- From: <exposure4u3@excite.com>
- Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 20:55:46 -0400
- To: www-xml-linking-comments@w3.org
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INTERNET FACTS Do You Need More Traffic. More Hits ...=20 It is estimated that about 30 million US Households have computers. Ten to = fifteen=20 million homes have modems which enable them to go online. According to vari= ous=20 forecasts, between 40 and 70 million households will have home computers by= the=20 end of the year 2000.=20 Targeted E-mail Marketing Works!!!=20 exposure4u3@excite.com=20 A new survey by Harris Interactive, an Internet market research and polling= company,=20 has found that the amount of women who will shop online this Christmas seas= on=20 is six times bigger than last year. Last year 78 percent of shoppers were m= en=20 and this year men will account for 58 percent of shoppers.According to the = author=20 of the report, the shift in gender is reflective of the fact browsers gradu= ate=20 to shopping the longer they have been online. Men preceded women online but= women=20 are now catching up. The study asked 5,802 online users. Increase Your Companies SALES.=20 exposure4u3@excite.com =20 Automobiles. 18.2 million people already shop for cars and car parts online= (but=20 don't necessarily buy). This number far outdistances the 12.6 million peopl= e=20 shopping for books. And an estimated 65% of new vehicle shoppers will use t= he=20 Internet to help them shop for a car by the end of 2000. Online Lending. Fo= rrester=20 Research reports 10% of all mortgages will be done online by 2003. Further,= one=20 in six credit cards will be issued online within the next five years, with = Net-sourced=20 credit card lines approaching $22 billion. Get Results With Targeted E-Mail Marketing. exposure4u3@excite.com=20 Travel. Online travel purchases are expected to reach $20 billion by 2001, = marking=20 a 700% increase over 1998's $2.5 billion In 1999, 31% of consumers who went= to=20 an airline's site booked a reservation online -- up from 21% in 1998 Foreca= sts=20 Worldwide E-Commerce to Reach $7.29 Trillion in 2004. =20 Let Us Do The Work and You Get Results.=20 exposure4u3@excite.com=20 =20 Jupiter Communications estimates children and teenagers will spend an estim= ated=20 $1.3 billion online by 2002.Forrester Research Study Shows Actual 1999 Aver= age=20 U.S. Household Spent Online: $1,385 Projected online spending: $1,864 in 20= 00;=20 $2,259 in 2001; $2,518 in 2002; $2,678 in 2003. 44% of U.S. companies are s= elling=20 online now, and 36% more expect to do so in the next 12 months.=20 For Information on How to Receive more Traffic and Increase Your Sales. Contact : exposure4u3@excite.com <mailto: exposure4u3@excite.com> with a re= ply=20 If you have received this in error, please respond with REMOVE in the Subje= ct=20 line. This message is sent in compliance of the new e-mail bill section 301. Unde= r=20 Bill S.1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress. This message canno= t=20 be Considered Spam as long as we include the method or mechanism for its re= moval,=20 Paragraph (a) (c) of S. 1618, further transmissions to you by the sender o= f=20 this e-mail may bestopped at no cost to you by replying to this message wit= h=20 REMOVE in the Subject.
Received on Monday, 23 October 2000 20:56:39 UTC