Re: XPointer - some typos?

Thank you; we are planning to fix this.


At 11:45 AM 10/4/00 +0200, Jiri Jirat wrote:
>  I have read the the version
>and I have found some discrepancies.
>* Section 5.4.3 (Additional Range-Related Functions)
>Functions 'start-point' and 'end-point' are declared with
>argument 'point':
>point start-point(point) resp. point end-point(point)
>but below the definitions the following text appears:
>'For each location x in the argument location-set, ...'.
> From the context it seems, that they should be
>point start-point(location-set) resp. point end-point(location-set)
>Is it right?
>* Missing right parenthesis in section 5.4.6, last example:
>Best regards
>Jirka Jirat
>Jiri Jirat

Eve Maler                                          +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    eve.maler @

Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2000 11:00:31 UTC