Re: Off the cuff comments on XInclude

I see from Tim Berner-Lee's comments on
that there is apparently a new internal document on XInclude.

From his comments, it does not seem to be very different from the Nov 
23 NOTE,
but as I am currently preparing a talk on this subject for XML Europe 
2000, I would
be very interested in obtaining this new version. Since I don't have 
W3C Member
access, would anyone know if and when this document will be publicly 
available, or
(if that is not happening very soon) if it would be possible to send me 
a copy of it?

Thanks in advance.
Karen Lease

SPX Valley Forge Technical Information Services
SPX France SA
147 avenue Paul Doumer
92500 Rueil-Malmaision France
Tel.: +33 (0)14751-1751
Fax: +33 (0)14751-8714

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2000 06:46:23 UTC