declared namespaces and createAttributeNS

What would be the desired effect on the declared namespaces of a
particular element after the following dom operation:

  element.setAttributeNS( document.createAttributeNS(
"", "tcf:title" ) );

Is a namespace declaration added to element ? (f.i. prefix=tcf,
note: a createAttributeNS doesn't have an element yet.

Are 2 namespace declarations with the same prefix allowed ?

Thanks in advance,

 name          : Jeroen van Rotterdam
 organization  : The Connection Factory b.v.
                 Grotekerkplein 38
                 3011 GE  Rotterdam, the Netherlands
 url           :
 email         :
 tel           : +31 10 4046870
 fax           : +31 10 4046498

Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 10:59:31 UTC