Re: XML 1.1 CR comment response for Lewis-01

Amelia A. Lewis scripsit:

> Discussion of the issue revealed that x#D is included in S as part of
> compatibility with SGML; the discussion included a rather grotesque
> example of hackery that could get this code point to show up in a
> document, bypassing normalization.

Can you provide the details?

> I would be happier with a notation (somewhere!) indicating that the
> persistent retention of x#D in S is *not* because it is commonly
> encountered, and that in fact it takes great effort to force the code
> point to appear in XML (at which point, so far as I can tell, it pretty
> much can't be roundtripped either).  It's a very special case; including
> it without comment confuses.

I wouldn't object to adding a motherhood note to the Third Edition (and
a fortiori to XML 1.1).

A mosquito cried out in his pain,               John Cowan
"A chemist has poisoned my brain!"    
        The cause of his sorrow       
        Was para-dichloro-            
Diphenyltrichloroethane.                                (aka DDT)

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2003 11:18:14 UTC