telecon reminder

Happy New Year once again.  Friendly reminder of our bi-weekly telecon this 
Tuesday - January 11, 2005
Zakim Bridge (617) 761-6200 Code: "XKMS
Time: 8:30am PT, 11:30am ET [1]
If you have not filled in the interop questionarrie[2], please fill in by then - Thanks!!
Also, we would like to resolve the Section 8.1 issue.  I would like to request, Ed Simon, Phill Hallam-Baker, Stephen Farrell and all the others to resolve this sticking issue.  Please refer to the threads [3] [4] as a point of reference.
Jose, could you please make sure that the latest schema and the XKMS draft are up on the web site.  Please take a look at the email sent to you and sysreq. - Thanks
PS: I will be here in New York City for the next few weeks.  If folks on the alias are interested to meet, please send me email.  This will give me an oppurtunity to put some faces for the voices behind phone lines.

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Received on Monday, 10 January 2005 06:53:11 UTC