XKMS implementation information

Hi All,

Next week, (on the 17th) I'll be giving a training course
on XML and XKMS for an organisation who are interested in
investigating what it might mean for them were they to
begin to use XKMS alongside (or instead of parts of) their
existing X.509 based PKI.

I guess in principle they could become someone's large
XKMS customer at some point, but for now, that's about
all I can say about them.

One of the issues they'd like me to address is the state
of play in terms of commercial and open-source implementations.

Part of what I was thinking of doing was putting up one slide
for each implementation for which I get a respose to this
message. So if you send me such a slide (details below), I'll
present it for you.

If you want to make addtional materials available then you can
send them to me in a zip file (nothing *too* big please) and
I'll pass that on too. If you want to include a "script" of
things to say when the slide's up, feel free, but note that I
don't guarantee to say exactly what you ask!

The ideal slide for this would:

- describe your xkms related offering's status and features
- give a contact point email address
- mention any projects in which your product has been or is
   being used
- whatever else you can fit on one slide:-)


Received on Monday, 8 August 2005 19:29:40 UTC