heads up: updated the implementation report and request to move to PR


If you have some time to look at it, I'd appreciate it :)

Specifically, I would like feedback about this paragraph update in the
implementation report[1] to see if you agree with its content:

The Working Group succesfully tested all of the HTTP Transport and Soap
1.2/1.1 bindings, As a result of the feedback received, the Security
Binding sections was made more concise and clear and now lists a number of
security considerations and how these considerations could be taken into
account by the XKMS payload security features, the TLS ones, or by a
combination of both of these. Although there were no specific tests for
the payload security bindings, all of the XKMS features on which these
bindings depend were included in one or more of the tests. The TLS
bindings were not tested as the developers felt it was out of scope for
the XKMS interoperability test; TLS security properties have already been
tested and discussed in other fora and are independent from XKMS.

As soon as I get the green light from Danny, and unless you have
some other feedback, I'll be able to mail the official
request to move to PR.



[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/test-suite/CR-XKMS-Summary.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/rqpr.html

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2005 13:49:15 UTC