Re: testing error cases


Yes. I agree with you. We should test error scenarios, especially in XKRSS.
Cases may be considered include,

1. Requesting with bad secret.
2. Recovering a client generated key.
3. Revoking an invalid, or nonexistent,  key.
4. Registering a key with unknown identity.
5. Invalid signature or signed by an untrusted certificate.

Our client can be twisted to support the cases easily.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jose Kahan" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: testing error cases

> Hi!
> As part of the test suite, we should try to test not only the succesful
> behaviour, but the errors too.
> For example, what happens when you revoke a certificate that doesn't
> exist, what happens when you use the wrong shared secret, what happens
> when you use the status request and you don't get a sucess reply...
> Guillermo pointed out to me today that it may be difficult to do those
> tests, as in some cases the clients or the servers need to be able to send
> wrong messages. What we want to test in these cases is what happens
> when either the client or server receive an invalid message.
> It seems that the SOAP people used fake clients or servers to test
> the error cases. I have no idea how flexible are the current
> implementations.
> Any ideas on how to proceed here are welcome.
> -jose

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2004 17:31:47 UTC