testing error cases


As part of the test suite, we should try to test not only the succesful
behaviour, but the errors too.

For example, what happens when you revoke a certificate that doesn't
exist, what happens when you use the wrong shared secret, what happens
when you use the status request and you don't get a sucess reply...

Guillermo pointed out to me today that it may be difficult to do those
tests, as in some cases the clients or the servers need to be able to send 
wrong messages. What we want to test in these cases is what happens 
when either the client or server receive an invalid message.

It seems that the SOAP people used fake clients or servers to test
the error cases. I have no idea how flexible are the current

Any ideas on how to proceed here are welcome.


Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2004 16:08:27 UTC