Re: Question: Enumerations in schema

Thanks Norm.  We were planning to move to URIs for element or attribute content and your advice concurs.  It is nice to note that there exists a normative document for the same [1]
Thanks and Regards

Norman Walsh <Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM> wrote:
/ Shivaram Mysore was heard to say:
| Thanks Norm.
| Even I thought that the prefixes did not play that an important role. See the following that is part of WSS:
| This is the problem that folks land up in:
| whatever prefix is bound to the XKMS namespace 
| must be used for the attributes and elements of type QName.

Yes, that's a good thing.

| E.g. if I bind 'km' to the XKMS namespace and used 'xkms' as the prefix for 
| a KeyUsage value, this is what Xerces emits:
| UndeclaredPrefix: Cannot resolve 'xkms:Signature' as a QName: the prefix 
| 'xkms' is not declared.
| The value 'xkms:Signature' of element 'km:KeyUsage' is not valid.

Oh, right. That's just the way namespaces work. I *thought* the problem was
that xkms:Signature was required even when km: was bound and xkms: wasn't.
That would be wrong.

You were hoping that "xkms:Signature" would work even when xmks:
wasn't bound? Nope. Can't do that. And shouldn't.

| As per this:

Moving to URIs would be better. QNames in element or attribute content
are evil, pure and simple, from the eight dimension.[1]

Be seeing you,


Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM / XML Standards Architect / Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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