XKMS Telecon: Updated Agenda


Here is the updated agenda for tomorrow's telecon:
	o  Charter & Proposal 
		- does everyone understand this and do you see any problems 
			with it ?
		  PS:  They were included as attachments in the email sent out
		  	by Joseph Reagle.
 	o  Status Update 
 		- where are we and where do we go from here
		- encourage your AC rep to vote "YES" on this.
		- If voted as a activity, then from Dec 7, the mail alias 
			will change
 	o  Goals for this WG  - Restate this from Charter
 	o  Requirements Document - timeline 
		- First public draft in Dec
		- Last call Jan/Feb
		- Hash out most of the details in the mailing lists +F2F in Dec.
		- IETF participants are welcome to attend F2F
 	o  F2F details 
 		- Registration URL will be sent out to the list this week.
 	o  AOB

Repeat Telecon details: No Registration is required.  Time is 8:30PST/11:30EST
	** Calendar Appointment **

	Date: 11/14/2001
	Start:  8:30am PST / 11:30amEST / 16:30GMT
	End: 10:00am
	Repeat: One Time
	For: 0
	What: XKMS Tele Conference Call
		Domestic Dial-in: 1-888-271-0949
		International Dial-in: 304-345-7526
		Participant Code: 754855
Shivaram H. Mysore

Software Engineer 				shivaram.mysore@sun.com
Java Card Engineering				(408) 276-7524 (or x17524)
JavaSoft, Sun Microsystems Inc.			(408) 276-7608 - FAX
http://java.sun.com/people/shivaram 		http://mysore.sfbay/

Other Email(s) - shivaram.mysore@ieee.org, shivaram.mysore@computer.org
PGP Key fingerprint =  86 C3 94 A6 20 70 FE C9  D6 F4 C2 7D 15 4B 6A CB

Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2001 14:13:11 UTC