Re: SOAP headers for xmldsig and xenc

On Monday 08 April 2002 18:46, you wrote:
> You may wish that everyone on this DL
> agrees to "...continue to work under the intellectual rights policies of
> the XENC or XMLP charter...", but that doesn't make is so.


I expect your email has made technical discussion a moot point even if that 
was not your intent. Also, I expect these questions of policy should happen 
elsewhere; this is the last email I'll post to this thread on this list, 
though I'm happy to continue the discussion elsewhere.

However, I do want to address your statement above. It is very important 
that we be very clear about the policies of any forum, including lists. The 
XENC, XMLDSIG, and XKMS lists are public lists with many participants not 
governed by an Advisory Committee agreement. For any acknowledged 
contributor (editor, author, contributor), and for the vast majority of 
folks posting to a list I have either an AC statement, and/or an email from 
the participant agreeing to the terms of the charter and contributor policy 
(I used to keep these private but now require them to be sent to the list 
[1]). I also make the terms of the charter and list participation very 
clear, as I've done here. 

In the screw case, if someone comes later in the game, makes last call or 
CR comments that then biases the spec towards an encumbrance in opposition 
to the terms of the WG's charter and list policy, they will plead ignorance 
at their *own* risk. This is the situation we face with any public list 
that is best remedied by explicit agreement where possible (e.g., AC 
approval, agreement to charters, etc.) and unambiguous statement of policy 


Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 09:07:16 UTC