Re: Artifacts in Requesters -- Simple Conventions for Diagrams


Since I didn't see any response to the suggestion I made on Oct 21 to 
clarify the diagrams, (see ), I 
would like to reiterate that I think it's important to draw artifacts / 
documents differently from actors / agents / roles.  There's a big 
difference between an artifact and an actor (an artifact is a piece of 
data, whereas an actor is something that can perform actions), and that 
difference is muddied if they look similar in the diagrams.  In particular, 
the diagrams currently use ovals for both a "Service" (which is an actor / 
agent / role, depending on your terminology), and a "Service Description" 
(which is an artifact / document, depending on your terminology).

This isn't a show stopper if there isn't time to fix it right now, but I 
think it is important to fix when possible.  There is more explanation at:


David Booth
W3C Fellow / Hewlett-Packard
Telephone: +1.617.253.1273

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2002 17:39:25 UTC