LAST CALL: 2nd IEEE ESAS 2007 Engineering Semantic Agent Systems


2nd IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems (ESAS 2007)

July 24-27, 2OO7, Beijing, China

In Conjunction with 
31st IEEE Annual Int’l Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007)

Beginning 2006, COMPSAC is designated as the IEEE Computer Society Signature Conference on  Software Technology and Applications.


Applying Semantic Web Technologies in Research and Development of Software Agents, Mobile Agents  and Multi-Agent Systems.

Major topics of interest include a strong undercurrent of intelligent software agents, mobile  agents, and MAS side by side semantic Web technologies running through this workshop: 

* Software Agents, Mobile Agents, and MAS: issues relating to architecture, implementation,  coordination, service levels, etc. of semantic or otherwise agents. 

* Agent, MAS and Semantic Web Technologies: concomitant utilization of specific technologies in  agent, MAS, and semantic Web implementations; semantic agent communities & applications; case  studies of best-practice MAS applications; projects in the making;

* Ontologies for Agents and MAS: agent cooperation ontology; ontology of workflow in MAS;  ontologies for distributed applications; sharing and semantic interoperability; discovery and  operations on ontologies;

* Platforms for agent and MAS implementation: languages, frameworks, tools, integrated  development environments and software engineering practices supporting semantic or otherwise  software agent & MAS architectures, coordination, trust & security mechanisms, description,  discovery and composition of agent-based services; realization of ontology-based MAS systems.

* Other subjects of relevance in software agents, mobile agents, agent-based and multi-agent  systems. 


March 20, 2007 deadline for paper submission.
April 16, 2007 notification of acceptance. 
April 30, 2007 camera-ready document and author registration due. 


Original papers not being submitted to journals or other conferences will be considered. All  submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee according to its originality,  significance, correctness, presentation, and relevance. We encourage authors to present position  papers on practical studies and experiments, critiques of existing work, emerging issues, and  novel ideas under development. 

Papers are submitted electronically via the ESAS 2007 Submission Page  ( Accepted papers will be published in the workshop  proceedings of the 31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference  (COMPSAC 2007). It should be noted that all IEEE COMPSAC conference and workshop proceedings are  published by IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services (CPS). All CPS Publications  are captured in the online IEEE Digital Library, and professionally indexed through INSPEC and  EI Index (Elsevier's Engineering Information Index). At least one of the authors of each  accepted paper must register as a full participant of the workshop for the paper to be included  in the proceedings.

International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems (ESAS 2006, held in conjunction with the 30th  COMPSAC ( was a great success with 35%  acceptance rate. The authors of a number of selected papers will be invited to submit an  extended version of their papers for possible publication in a relevant journal. Best papers of  ESAS 2006 are being prepared for a special issue of the Multiagent and Grid Systems - An  International Journal, IOS Press, ISSN 1574-1702,

For updated information, please refer to or contact the workshop  chairperson Atilla.Elci at

On behalf of the ESAS 2007 Organizing CommitteeDated: March 14, 2007. 

Have a good day. / 新年好 Xin Nian Kuai Le /Iyi gunler dilerim.
Atilla Elci
Dept. Comp. Eng., EMU,
Gazimagusa, TRNC.

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 16:55:28 UTC