DEADLINE EXTENSION: Aspect-Oriented Techniques to E-Service Environments

    		[DEADLINE EXTENSION: 26.03.2007]
    [We apologise if you receive multiple copies of this message]

********************CALL for Papers for AOTE-S07**********************

    Aspect-Oriented Techniques to E-Service Environments (AOTE-S)

                  in cooperation with TaMoCo 2007
           Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce
      University of Paisley, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
                        9th - 10th July 2007

             Submission deadline extended: 26.03.2007


The  emerging   technology  of   Electronic  Services   introduces the
possibility  of implementing  electronic commerce  and business  in a
loosely coupled  manner.  This  way, new   technologies and  standards
are  being used  in order   to develop  and provide  new   services to
the   customers.  On   the   other  hand,   Aspect-Oriented Techniques
provide support to  encapsulate and modularize crosscutting   concerns
in our systems, which cannot be included normally in the logical  code
structure  by   functionality.   Therefore,   the   loosely    coupled
environment  provided  for electronic  services can  be maintained and
improved by using these techniques.

Goals of the workshop:

Accordingly, this workshop is  intended  to bring together  e-services
and  aspect  -oriented techniques  approaches both  from industry  and
academia. It is meant  to provide an appropriate environment to discus
about  the  benefits   aspect-oriented  techniques  can  provide  in e
-services    systems   and  about   problems   and   challenges   that
particularly arise during the practical
combination of both fields.


Research   submissions   on   all    topics   related   to    applying
aspect-oriented techniques on  electronic services  environments  will
be welcomed,  including  but not limited to those listed below:

E-Services technology implementations and Aspect-Oriented Programming

* Web Services
* Grid Services
* Service-Oriented Computing
* Semantic Web
* Security for E-Services
* Middlewares for E-Services

E-Services Application and Aspect Oriented Techniques

* Mobile commerce
* Business Processes Modeling
* E-Learning
* E-Goverment
* Electronic Agreement and Contracts
* Submission Instructions


Authors  are  invited  to  submit  original,  previously   unpublished
research  papers. Papers should  be written  in English  and must  not
exceed  8 pages  in the LNCS  format. THE PAPER IN WORD OR PDF  FORMAT
CAN    BE    UPLOADED    BY     USING    THE    TOOL    LOCATED     AT, where the technical
area radio button Aspect-Oriented Techniques to E-Service Environments
has to be selected. I f  you have any problem please  send   an e-mail
to  the contact person (see below).

All   submissions  will    be  peer-reviewed   by   members   of  the
international program -committee  based on  originality, significance,
and clarity  of presentation. Accepted papers will be included in  the
workshop and  the conference  proceedings. Authors  of accepted papers
are supposed to participate in the workshop as well as the conference.

Key Note Speaker:

Olaf Zimmermann
IBM Research GmbH, Zurich Research Laboratory

Olaf Zimmermann  is  a  Research Staff   Member and  senior  certified
Executive IT Architect in  the IBM  Zurich Research  Lab. Olaf  has 17
years of  IT industry  experience.  His  research   focuses   on  meet
-in-the-middle    service   modeling  techniques  and   the  role   of
architectural   decisions  and  model  transformations  during Service
-Oriented Architecture (SOA) construction.

Previously,  Olaf  was  a  solution  architect,  helping  IBM  clients
designing  enterprise-scale  SOA/Web services  and  Java 2  Enterprise
Edition  (J2EE)  solutions  on numerous  services  projects.  He  also
educated  practitioners  around  the   world  on  emerging  middleware
technologies.  In  the beginning  of  his career,  Olaf  worked as   a
scientific  consultant in  the IBM  European Networking  Center  (ENC)
in Heidelberg,   Germany, focusing   on industry-specific   middleware
frameworks  for systems and network management.

Olaf is a  regular conference speaker  and an author  of the  Springer
text book Perspectives on Web Services. He contributed to several  IBM
Redbooks  such  as  Web  Services  Wizardry   with  WebSphere   Studio
Application   Developer.  Olaf   holds an  honors  degree  in Computer
Science from the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany.

***************Important Dates****************
Submission of papers (Extended) 26.03.2007
Notice of Acceptance: 15.04.2007
Submission of Camera ready version: 30.04.2007

Program Committee:

* Marco Aiello (University of Trento, Italy)
* Francisco Curbera (IBM Watson, USA)
* Gregorio Díaz (University of Castilla La Mancha)
* Schahram Dustdar (Technical University of Vienna)
* Juan Hernandez (University of Extremadura, Spain)
* Heiko Ludwig (IBM Watson Research Center)
* Josef Noll (Telenor R&D, Norway)
* Guadalupe Ortiz (University of Extremadura, Spain)
* Dumitru Roman (DERI Innsbruck, Austria)
* Olaf Zimmermann (IBM Zurich)
* Christian Zirpins (University College London, England)

Symposium Chair:
Guadalupe Ortiz
University of Extremadura, Spain

Symposium Co-Chair:
Gregorio Díaz
University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain

Guadalupe Ortiz

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Received on Monday, 12 March 2007 10:22:36 UTC