- From: Adrian Paschke <Adrian.Paschke@gmx.de>
- Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 00:33:33 +0200
- To: sw-ergo@gui-design.de, topicmapmail@infoloom.com, vki-list@dfki.de, webmaster@aisb.org.uk, web-semantics-italia@yahoogroups.com, weekly@egovmonitor.com, www-annotation@w3.org, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, www-rdf-rules@w3.org, www-webont-wg@w3.org, www-ws@w3.org
Dear Prospective Author of RuleML-2007, This is just a friendly reminder that the deadline for the RuleML-2007 abstract submission is Friday, June 15, 2007. Please upload a plain text abstract in our EasyChair submission page at http://www.easychair.org/RuleML2007/. All information regarding submission requirements are elaborated in the RuleML-2007 web site at: http://2007.ruleml.org/index-Dateien/Page577.htm Sincerely, Adrian Paschke Yevgen Biletskiy RuleML-2007 Program Co-Chairs [ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ] The International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007) October 25-26, 2007, Orlando, Florida http://2007.ruleml.org ===================================================================== Co-located with: The 10th International Business Rules Forum http://www.businessrulesforum.com ===================================================================== The International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007) will take place, October 25-26, 2007, in Orlando, Florida <http://2007.ruleml.org>, co-located with The 10th International Business Rules Forum <http://www.businessrulesforum.com>. RuleML-2007 is devoted to practical distributed rule technologies and rule-based applications which need language standards for rules operating in the context of, e.g., the Semantic Web, Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems, Event-Driven Architectures and Service-Oriented Computing Applications. A RuleML-2007 Challenge with prizes will be organized to demonstrate tools, use cases, and applications. Abstracts are due June 15, 2007. Papers are due June 29, 2007. ===================================================================== -- Ist Ihr Browser Vista-kompatibel? Jetzt die neuesten Browser-Versionen downloaden: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/browser -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/smartsurfer
Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 23:11:46 UTC