Dear Prospective Author of RuleML-2007,

This is just a friendly reminder that the deadline for the RuleML-2007
abstract submission is

      Friday, June 15, 2007.

Please upload a plain text abstract in our EasyChair submission page at

All information regarding submission requirements are
elaborated in the RuleML-2007 web site at:


Adrian Paschke
Yevgen Biletskiy

RuleML-2007 Program Co-Chairs

[ our apologies should you receive this message more than one time ]

             The International RuleML Symposium
        on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2007)

           October 25-26, 2007, Orlando, Florida


Co-located with:

          The 10th International Business Rules Forum


The International RuleML Symposium on Rule Interchange and Applications
(RuleML-2007) will take place, October 25-26, 2007, in Orlando, Florida
<>, co-located with The 10th International
Business Rules Forum <>. RuleML-2007 is
devoted to practical distributed rule technologies and rule-based
applications which need language standards for rules operating in the
context of, e.g., the Semantic Web, Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems,
Event-Driven Architectures and Service-Oriented Computing Applications.
A RuleML-2007 Challenge with prizes will be organized to demonstrate
tools, use cases, and applications. Abstracts are due June 15, 2007.
Papers are due June 29, 2007.


Received on Monday, 11 June 2007 20:51:50 UTC