CFP KWEPSY2006: KnowledgeWeb PhD Symposium 2006

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		KnowledgeWeb PhD Symposium
		     Budva, Montenegro
		      17th June, 2006

		co-located with the 3rd Annual
	    European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)
			  and the
		KnowledgeWeb General Assembly
		     Budva, Montenegro
		  11th - 17th June, 2006

Executive Summary

The Knowledge Web PhD Symposium aims at bringing together doctoral
students within the Semantic Web community to open their work up to
discussion in a European forum, and to obtain valuable feedback from
leading scientists in the field. However, in contrast with other
similar initiatives, participants to the Symposium will not only
receive constructive comments with respect to topic-specific research
issues; they will also be assisted in formulating a coherent research
narrative for their doctoral work. In particular, students will be
asked to submit an extended abstract (max. 5 pages), structured in
accordance to a pre-defined template, which has been designed to
highlight the key methodological components required for a sound
research narrative. Generally speaking, priority will be given to
1st/2nd year PhD students (because they are still in the process of
defining their research narrative), however all PhD students are
welcome and encouraged to apply.

The first Symposium will be co-located with the Knowledge Web general
assembly meeting, and is scheduled for the 17th of June in Budva,

Important Dates (GMT)
- Submission of extended abstracts:   	24 March 2006
- Notification to authors:	        21 April 2006
- Final version of extended abstracts:	28 April 2006

Call for Contributions

Though organized under the umbrella of KnowledgeWeb, the symposium is
open to all PhD students carrying out research on topics related to
the Semantic Web. The applicants are required to send an extended
abstract (maximally 5 pages, minimal font size: 12-point) of their
doctoral work, which should adhere to the following structure:

- Briefly describe the research problem the PhD is addressing and its
   relevance to the Semantic Web area.
- Explain why this is a significant problem.
- Outline current approaches to the problem, and describe their
   strengths and weaknesses.
- Describe your proposed approach, clearly differentiating between the
   results achieved so far and the remaining work.
- Compare and contrast your approach with other existing approaches,
   in particular highlighting the shortcomings of other approaches,
   which your approach is planning to tackle.
- Present the expected contributions of your work and highlight the
   novelty and benefits of the suggested solutions.
- Sketch the research methodology that you have adopted (or you are
   planning to adopt), in particular your approach to
   evaluating/validating the results.
- Applicants should also specify how long they have worked on their
   doctoral work.

The submissions will be reviewed against the following criteria:

- Novelty and originality of the research work
- Relevance of the work with respect to the Semantic Web field
- Conformance of the submitted abstract to the given template
- Rigorousness and scientific soundness of the overall approach and of
   the results so far
- Clarity of the presentation

The selected participants will be given the opportunity to open their
work up to discussion in front of other students and an expert
audience (either in a regular presentation session or in a poster
session).  Each accepted contribution will be assigned to a scientific
advisor who will provide extended feedback to the presented research
achievements and to the accuracy of the applied methodology.

An award will be given to the best PhD Symposium
contributions. Special travel grants to support participation of
female PhD students are also available

Topics of interest to the symposium include (but are not restricted
- Ontology Management (e.g. creation, evolution, evaluation)
- Ontology Alignment (e.g. mapping, matching, merging, alignment,
mediation and reconciliation)
- Ontology Learning
- Semantic Web-based Multimedia
- Semantic Annotation of Data
- Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property
- Semantic Web Rules and Query Languages
- Reasoning on the Web (e.g. scalability, fuzziness, distribution)
- Semantic Web Representation Languages
- Searching, Querying, Visualizing, Navigating and Browsing the
Semantic Web
- Personalization and User Modelling
- User Interfaces and Semantic Web
- Semantic Grid and Middleware
- Semantic Web Services (e.g. description, discovery, invocation,
- Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management (e.g. Semantic Desktop,
Knowledge Portals)
- Semantic Web Applications for eBusiness, eCulture, eGovernment,
eHealth, eLearning, eScience etc.
- Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
- Semantic Interoperability
- Semantic Data Integration
- Semantic Web Mining
- Semantic Web Middleware

Joerg Diederich (L3S Hannover, Germany)
Enrico Motta (The Open University, UK)
Elena Paslaru-Bontas (Free University of Berlin, Germany)

Scientific Advisors (provisional list)
Arthur Stutt 		(The Open University, UK)
Asuncion Gomez-Perez 	(Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain)
Carole Goble	 	(University of Manchester, UK)
Daniel Olmedilla 	(L3S Hannover, Germany)
Diana Maynard	 	(University of Sheffield, UK)	
Dieter Fensel		(University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Elena Paslaru Bontas	(Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Enrico Motta		(The Open University, UK)
Fabien Gandon	 	(INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France)	
Fausto Giunchiglia	(University of Trento, Italy)
Frank van Harmelen	(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Guus Schreiber		(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Heiner Stuckenschmidt	(University of Mannheim, Germany)	
Holger Wache 		(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)	
Jeff Z. Pan 		(University of Aberdeen, UK)	
Jerome Euzenat 		(INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France)
Joerg Diederich	 	(L3S Hannover, Germany)
Lyndon Nixon	 	(Free University of Berlin, Germany)
Martin Dzbor 		(The Open University, UK)
Michal Zaremba 		(NUIG Galway, Irland)
Pavel Shvaiko 		(University of Trento, Italy)
Robert Meersman		(Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Robert Shearer		(University of Manchester, UK)	
Robert Tolksdorf 	(Free University of Berlin, Germany)	
Rudi Studer 		(University of Karlsruhe, Germany)	
Sergio Tessaris		(Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)	
Stefan Decker		(NUIG Galway, Irland)	
Tomas Vitvar 		(NUIG Galway, Irland)	
Valentina Tamma 	(University of Liverpool, UK)
Walter Binder	 	(EPFL, CH)	
Wolfgang Nejdl 		(L3S Hannover, Germany)	
York Sure	 	(University of Karlsruhe, Germany)

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 15:33:44 UTC