RE: today's minutes


> > Minor comment (for discussion perhaps?)
> [snip]
> It is for discussion, and we should take this discussion to www-ws as
> per our policty and because there are folks there who think
> (I think) that we have been used to.

Oh yeah - sorry, wrong list.  Ok, to www-ws it goes...

> > What I'm curious is, other than a broadening acceptance and
> > understanding of wide-area service integration, and perhaps a bunch
> > useful standards (e.g. WSDL), what are Web Service technologies
> > actually
> > giving us?
> What of *Web* technologies themselves?

Useful, most definitely, but I firmly believe we should accommodate the
developments in WS standards, but not be constrained by them.  For
example, I recently had a discussion with someone who had made the
assumption that all messages between WSDL clients would be strongly
typed, and formatted in XML (which isn't always the case - consider http
bindings, for instance). 
> (And it might be that the Web or Web Services constrain us in ways
> something like CORBA might not. One decision is whether to overcome
> those constrains (e.g., by building up another layer) or to work
> them because we think it gets us something.)

We should harness what WS give us, but... well I'm about to repeat what
I said above.  Also, I'm seriously concerned that we could risk
re-inventing the wheel, by ignoring work in other service-anaolgous
research fields (e.g. DAI, Grid, Multi-Agents etc).

> I meant to add that it's totally unclear to me that the "web
> on semantic web services is limited, in any way, to matchmaking. Most
> particularly, I think it affects composition in a lot of ways (or
> could) and thus process modeling. See:
> (which I don't understand) as at least one assertion that there's a
> special WebLike way of doing composition.


Terry R. Payne, PhD.      |
University of Southampton | Voice: +44(0)23 8059 8343 [Fax: 8059 2865]
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK | Email: /

> > What I'm curious is, other than a broadening acceptance and
> > understanding of wide-area service integration, and perhaps a bunch
> > useful standards (e.g. WSDL), what are Web Service technologies
> > actually
> > giving us?
> What of *Web* technologies themselves?
> This is exactly what I think we need to address head on. I'll happily
> start a thread on this topic on www-ws, but I think that having a
> specific session on this issue at the F2F would be valuable as well.
> (And it might be that the Web or Web Services constrain us in ways
> something like CORBA might not. One decision is whether to overcome
> those constrains (e.g., by building up another layer) or to work
> them because we think it gets us something.)
> I meant to add that it's totally unclear to me that the "web
> on semantic web services is limited, in any way, to matchmaking. Most
> particularly, I think it affects composition in a lot of ways (or
> could) and thus process modeling. See:
> (which I don't understand) as at least one assertion that there's a
> special WebLike way of doing composition.
> I think its well within our mandate to study such possibilties.
> it may be required of us.
> Cheers,
> Bijan.

Received on Sunday, 12 October 2003 14:06:08 UTC