Re: Proposed issue; Visibility of Web services

On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 10:25:58AM -0700, David Orchard wrote:
>  IMO, there's been nothing new
> discovered in the past dozen messages on this thread.  And it's probably
> distracted a number of members of various WGs somewhat from helping progress
> their documents.

This is a public mailing list which is not the official list of any
working group.  They are under no obligation to respond.  Presumably
they do so because they are looking to communicate - and perhaps come to
agreement with - somebody with a learned, but very different viewpoint
than their own.

Give it a try sometime.  It's all the rage.

"I am enough of an optimist, and I have enough faith in human nature, to
believe that people will listen to reason if they are convinced that it
is reason. Somewhere, there must be some missing argument, something
that we haven't seen clearly enough, or said clearly enough, or,
perhaps, just not said often enough."
 -- Henry Hazlitt,

Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.
Web architecture consulting, technical reports, evaluation & analysis
  Actively seeking contract work or employment

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 14:39:51 UTC